a month or two a go my rheumatologist who lacks the basic nurturing skills that one would desire when getting a prognosis (as the diagnosis still elludes me) shook up my world in such a calmly delivered explanation it has taken me all this time to even hear it.
she told me that my antibody results and clinical features are not definative yet - but lend themselves to an eventual diagnosis of Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder - an exciting overlap syndrome that combines aspects of lupus, sclederma and polymyositis. there is a chance i will not progress any more than i have thus far but it's much more likely that in 5 - 10 years the disease will progress to the full fledged disease.
she told me it's a bad diagnosis. that people can die from it "and it's not a pretty way to go". she said those words. why, i can't fathom.
and she told me to enjoy the time i have now. to do the things i've always wanted. to take advantage of this time i have now.
and it scared me and i don't really know what to do with that information.
except to say that i am getting married and i am going to spend my time celebrating and honoring that love and i am not going to give all my energy to law school. i am going to give all my energy to love.