Tuesday, May 31, 2011

dear media,

i am so bored with the million ways you tell me i can get rid of my stretchmarks or lose more weight or make my boobs perkier or my face prettier or my wrinkles go away, how i should eat yogurt and gum instead of desserts and filling food and then your "reality stars" that teach me to be wary of women as they will sleep with my boyfriend or take him away and the glossy photographs that remind me that my real body can never hold up to the airbrushed/surgically made ones that america seems to demand now.

let's not get distracted from the real things. like the lack of affordable childcare that robs us of careers and the exploitation of women in the sex trade and in every theater and our daughters giving things up because they want to be loved, and all these fathers who leave and the 1 in 3 women who will be sexually abused or raped in their lifetime (maybe it was you).

or how about we talk about the fact that women still make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. even though more women are now earning graduate level degrees.

we have real problems, and the curves of our bodies (the curves that allow our bodies to carry life inside of them) are not it.

ladies, we gotta stick together. we can't get anywhere acting all mean to eachother all the time...

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