Monday, May 3, 2010


Hilary: 1 Blue Cross: 0.

But the war has not been won. And I am tired of the fighting. Of spending my days split between ultra sounds, lab tests, and calls to doctors, pharmacies and blue cross. This is not my job. This is not how I want to spend my days. And I confess I have gotten so fed up I find myself flying off the handle the second that voice on the phone starts rattling their Blue Cross Bull Shit. "Who are YOU to tell my DOCTOR what medication is best for ME." That sort of thing.

I don't want to feel so angry.

And it can't help this ulcer that I have developed since not having my medications.

And here in Boston we are boiling our water due to a water main 'catastrophe'. It has been hot. The red line is still running slow-ly. Delays Abound.

And the weekend was nice. Dinner and a movie with my parents. Joe and I spent a lot of time reading, sitting in the sun, laying in the park, watching the hours pass by. It is nice to let go. To not do things that I think I SHOULD be doing. To instead just do the things we want.

Love that Dirty Water.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya with the insurance companies. I'm pretty frustrated with mine at the moment. It appears my therapist is authorized, but they continue to delay in paying me back what I pay up front to my therapist each week(my therapist is a private practitioner). I guess I really don't understand medical insurance. They say they'll do all sorts of stuff and then when you actually need it, they question, manipulate and toy with you. I definitely don't drain my energy over it, but sometimes it's hard not to.
